Sunday, July 10, 2011

Grand Bargain Fail (maybe)

Unctuous Asshole

"As I feared, Boehner can't find the votes, doesn't want to run to Hoyer to get them, and has backed out of a commitment to a grand deal. The orange bastard is caught on flypaper and he's willing to set every dollar in the world ablaze to extract himself with his gavel intact. This is the kind of leadership you get from an adulterous drunkard with a record of passing out tobacco lobbyists' checks to his colleagues on the House floor."
From here.

Not that anyone on the left wants the Grand Bargain to succeed.
Actually, the 4 trillion dollar deal proposed by Obama is a frightening hand of high-powered poker that could still backfire—and it entirely validates the Republican's dishonest narrative that unemployment is tied to the debt.

"This is because they only care about tax cuts for rich people. A few members might have some idiosyncratic spending concerns, such as "we're too generous to poor people," but basically they just care about tax rates on rich people. That's it."

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