As the media's "dirty fucking hippie" rhetoric declined, and the coverage began to highlight how the national narrative changed from "the deficit will kill us all" to "let's talk about unemployment and income inequality," powerful people started freaking out.
So now, in addition to the media's ready-made "protesters are dirty vandals who poop in parks " narrative, they also have "the protesters are violent anarchists who make the police deploy flash bombs and tear gas."
Here we go...buckle up.
Update: Boston's morning news has at least 3 separate stories about sanitation problems at #Occupy locations and a couple of vandalism reports...I think the new scripts arrived.
Memento Mori "Remember you will die."
Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples
An allegorical and symbolic approach to the philosophical theme (Hellenistic origin) of the transience of life and the imminence of death ("memento mori") which, byeliminating the disparities of social class and wealth, restores equilibrium to the vagaries of fate. The upper part of the composition shows a level with a plumb-line, an instrument used by workmen to check the level of buildings. The axis of the plumb bob is death (the skull), while below it is a butterfly (the soul) balanced on a wheel (Fortune). Beneath the arms of the level, which are opposed and perfectly balanced, are the symbols of poverty to the right (the knapsack, the beggar’s stick and the cloak) and the symbols of wealth to the left (the sceptre, purple and the crown).
It drips with malice, both for and from Robert Mitchum's character. Initially, his hatred and anger simmer just beneath a grifter's facade—that is until he's denied or exposed. But what's always disturbed me about Mitchum's portrayal of Harry Powell is that it's so stylized (and repugnant), it often reads as dark humor (maybe just me).
Later in the film, when Harry Powell, silhouetted by a pre-dawn sky, sings Leaning On The Everlasting Arms, I am absolutely terrified.
Anyway, the hysterical responses from the Rushes of the world are just more signs that these protests are working. I never thought I’d see it, but some of the dukes and earls high up in America’s Great Tower of Bullshit are starting to blink a little bit. They seem genuinely freaked out that OWS doesn’t have leaders or a single set of demands, which in addition to being very encouraging is quite funny.
This may be true. There seems to be frustration that the OWS movement hasn't been lured into the co-option trap that America uses to defuse a genuine grassroots threat to its power, or capitalism in general.
It may seem counter-intuitive to maintain a large and leaderless movement, but it does make it more difficult to flog a specific target in the media—think Cindy Sheehan,Jesse Jackson—isolate and smear the "leader" and ignore the movement all together.
What nobody is comfortable with is a movement in which virtually the entire spectrum of middle class and poor Americans is on the same page, railing against incestuous political and financial corruption on Wall Street and in Washington. The reality is that Occupy Wall Street and the millions of middle Americans who make up the Tea Party are natural allies and should be on the same page about most of the key issues, and that's a story our media won't want to or know how to handle.
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They're going to try to identify fake leaders, draw phony battle lines, and then herd everybody back into the same left-right cage matches of old. Whenever that happens, we just have to remember not to fall for the trap. When someone says this or that person speaks for OWS, don't believe it.
Taibbi makes a good point.
The sheer power that will be exerted against OWS by the moneyed and political class will only be enhanced by the media's resistance to framing this movement in a different way. The left vs right script is already written—the media is too co-opted (and lazy) to write another one.
If we hadn't deregulated banks and markets, we wouldn't be facing the kind of disaster that we've seen over the last three years. If we hadn't drastically reduced tax rates for the wealthy, we wouldn't have seen pension funds dry up and middle class wages stagnate. If we hadn't given corporations more and more political clout, we wouldn't be where we are—in a broken system that serves them, not us.
But what if is a game for suckers. The question isn't where we went wrong, it's what we do about it.
The occupy movement is a withdrawal of consent. It's not a war on capitalism. It's an acknowledgement that we are doing capitalism badly, and in a way that does not serve to help real people in their real lives. To repair the system will require government to step up and take action.
The way to understand all of this is to realize that it’s part of a broader syndrome, in which wealthy Americans who benefit hugely from a system rigged in their favor react with hysteria to anyone who points out just how rigged the system is.
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This special treatment can’t bear close scrutiny — and therefore, as they see it, there must be no close scrutiny. Anyone who points out the obvious, no matter how calmly and moderately, must be demonized and driven from the stage. In fact, the more reasonable and moderate a critic sounds, the more urgently he or she must be demonized, hence the frantic sliming of Elizabeth Warren.
An Objectivist Whiner whines about Occupy Wall Street protesters and President Obama.
Currently her followers are trying to come to grips with the reality of her non-candidacy—they're also trying to process just how they were duped by this sleazy grifter.
I'm sure they'll conclude that it's Obama's fault.
There are songs that throw one back to the past with all of its banality—and grandeur.
Go to 1979—Louisville, KY—I'm working at a Ford truck plant as a non-union plant/grounds cleaner. My primary responsibilities were to mop the workers break room, walk the 15 acre parking lot to pick up ether cans, nuts, bolts and other essential parts that regularly dropped off the newly assembled trucks—and most importantly, try not to piss off the unionized line workers—tall order.
(What's So Funny 'bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding
Oliver's Army
So, it's 7:15 AM, hot, hazy, and humid, I'm quite possibly hungover, real poor, trying to decide whether to go back to school or continue making just enough money to pay the rent on a shitty house I'm sharing with 3 friends, all of whom were similarly gambling on the bottom dropping out of their lousy jobs, forcing them back to their parents, or worse.
Lindsey Graham's thoughts on Rick Perry and the "Niggerhead" thing.
"Rick Perry is not a racist," Graham said, saying the Texas governor is the victim of an "intimidation” campaign. "You know if you’re a southern white guy, this is part of your life," Graham complained.
Both of these things will drive the 2012 election(s).
Currently the process is drowning in rhetoric designed to mask indifference to the middle class and the unemployed.
The party that figures this out will win—let's hope it isn't the Republicans.
A decent crowd.
Because the protesters have no permits for microphones or sound systems to project a speaker's voice, they use what is termed the "people's mic"—the speaker says 4 or 5 words of a speech that is then repeated in unison by the protesters in front—individual speaker, crowd repeats, individual speaker, crowd repeats, and so on.
I like this. It also keeps the speeches short and to the point.
There were no arrests at this gathering—or pepper spraying.